
What is the ebst way of asking your best female friend out ona date?

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and also letting her know that if she says no then i would still LOVE to be friends with her. I really care about her so will not mind what her answer is as long as i am still her friend.

I am giving her a very nice birthday present for her 21st. I will tell her that i like her a few days after her birthday. Do u think if she says no then she will feel bad about accepting the present.?

So basically what is the ebst way of asking my best female friend out ona date without it affection our friendship if she says no lol




  1. is your keyboard not working? you spelt best wrong twice

  2. Just be honest with her it is that easy

  3. Ummm, dude. Just tell her how you feel. Like fo real though. Be sweet and sincere while saying it, ya know? Just let it come out and tell her. Look her in the eyes. Then tell her.

    And the best thing would be is to is ask her on her birthday. That would be really nice.

    Just Keepin it reall! :D

  4. Turth it it is always nice to find out someones feelings but hard to work out the returning answer, really the best way is to show up with something romantic and tell her and add, no matter what i will love you as a friend and it would be so nice.

  5. Well if you guys are best friends its natural your gonna feel like that especially if she's a girl but you guys are friends just straight out tell her you like her and you just don't wanna be a friend you gonna be a  friend and a boyfriend... sit down talk to her one on one her birthday will be a good time too tell her or even a day before her birthday cuz if she feels the same you'll be with her for her birthday and even if she says no I don't think she would want too throw your friend relationship alway like that....just gooo for it dude even if she says no there's more fish in the sea and I bet she's still gonna be your friend

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