
What is the education system like in australia is it the same as england or better?

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if so how is it better




  1. I went to school here and I thought that the education system was good. I think ti depends on the school you go to and the experience of the teachers,

  2. Like the English system, it does vary depending on individual schools and teachers.

    Many British migrants have complained about the Australian system being behind the British one, especially as they start school at an older age in Australia.

    However, I have also read that by the time they leave school, everyone is about the same.

    Recent arrivals have commented on how much less "problems" there are at the schools in Australia.

    Each State has its own Education System, although, as another person has mentioned, there is talk of having a unified Australian standard system.

    Private schools, of which about 33% of all children go to, have a much higher discipline attitude, including with the wearing of uniforms.

    Comparing my child here, to UK schooled children that I know, I am happy to be here in Australia.


    My reference to the differences between UK and Australian school starting ages relates to the fact that the majority of UK children start school at age four.  

    quote: "compulsory education starts at age five, although many children start at four because schools have a single intake at the beginning of the school year, therefore children born in August can start school in September, just after their fourth birthday. "

  3. Better than the English system.

    Each state has it education system although there are thoughts of having a national syllabus for high school

  4. When kids come from England to high school in Australia, they are usually somewhat behind their classmates, so I think it's safe to say that the Australian system is better.

    I know for a fact that we have far fewer discipline problems in Australia and that is probably a major factor.


    Kids start school in most Australian states at the same time as those in the UK i.e. the vast majority start grade 1 when they're 5 and turn 6 some time during that year and they finish year 12 when they're 17. Some children don't begin year 1 until they're 6, but that's fairly unusual - when my youngest daughter was in year 12, only 7 out of 125 kids had turned 18 when they graduated. In most states, there is one compulsory year before year 1 and 1 earlier year is available but is not compulsory.

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