
What is the effect of direct sunlight on the flavour of apples?

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What is the effect of direct sunlight on the flavour of apples?




  1. it will make it grow faster so the sweetness doesn't come out it's not as sweet

  2. If sunlight was the only limiting factor there would be some size difference and more than likely a flavor difference as the naturally occurring organic chemicals that give flavor, the amounts of sugars in concentration, and the textural qualities imparted, would be different in their concentrations/ percentages alone and in combination (more tartness sensed in relation to sugar sensed as an example). One variety might be tart, small, and pulpy, where another might be dry and flavorless.

    In the very flower itself newly pollinated is the fruit in it's totally perfect form. If that developing fruit gets every speck of food and water and sun it needs in the perfect proportion it will be a perfect fruit. But every tiny little thing that is not exactly perfect will take a toll. The small things may never add up to much and you will still have a really fabulous apple, but as things add up, those little components missing will eventually give you the imperfect fruit. Sun is critical to making all the plant materials in the little plant factory.

  3. They taste really good

  4. aples would mature quicker and become sweeter with direct sunlight

    the opposite is true when kept in the dark they deterorate faster and start to decay

  5. the fruit acids contained inside the apple (or fruit in general), with the uv light influence, can alter the composition of other substances (eg. flavons, ethile). these are the substances which give the fruit its "flavour". this alteration involves speeding up the chemical reactions to increase the concentration of the acids or the production of other substances that are typical of ripened fruit (eg. malic acid, pro-vitamin a); the sugar content increases or the formation of sugars starts (eg. malic acid --> fructose)

  6. If you are talking about apples after they are harvested then direct sunlight would make them ripen faster.  They might even have a sweeter flavor for a short period of time.  But they would quickly start to over-ripen and deteriorate.  To maintain flavor of apples they should be stored in a cool dark place.  In past times a root cellar was used for this purpose, and in some cases still is.  The best place to store apples today to maintain flavor and quality is the refrigerator.  Apples stored in refrigeration will last up to 10 times longer than stored at room temperature.

  7. makes it grow faster

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