
What is the effect of genetically modified foodstuff on the human body?

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What is the effect of genetically modified foodstuff on the human body?




  1. If it had any effect what-so-ever, you can be 100% sure that the vultures of the American 'class action suite' would have started to sue the socks off the producers by now ..

    Since there are no cases pending, we can be sure it's harmless ... although it HAS been reported that some people get FAT by eating FOOD .. and I believe that McDonald's are indeed being sued for selling (more) food to (fat) people ..

  2. Genetically modified foods are derived from genetically modified crops.  These crops species have been subjected to federally-mandated extensive testing for safety with respect to the environment and human health.  When considered by any reasonable person these modifications have to be concluded to be harmless.  Most importantly, even though genetically modified foods have been on the shelves for many years now not one single, verified, undesirable event has occurred with respect to human health.  In short, there is NO effect of genetic modification on the body.  These changes are neutral or in some cases enhance nutrition.

  3. Nil.

    Unless the genetic modification was designed to produce a toxin, in  which case you wouldn't expect a human to eat it anyway.

  4. I fully agree with all the sensible previous answers, having worked for a GM company for some time and seeing how rigourous the tests are that they put the crops/products through, I think it is extremely unlikely there are any effects. Any product on the market has had at least a decade of trial after trial to test for e.g. toxicity, allergy inducing properties. And then there's governement required tests on top of that. All in all, GM to crops involves very minor changes, compared to traditional breeding, and it is much more stricter controlled.

  5. Although I'm instinctively 'anti' GM foodstuffs, if you look at the basic facts of food digestion, the effect should be nil. All digestible foodstuffs are broken down to their basic components: fats, amino acids(from protein) , nucleotides (from DNA). This takes place with no recognition for the intial sequence or combination

    However, I do believe that there might be unforeseen reactions (eg allergies) to longer chain components.

  6. i have been eating gm food for years and nothing wrong with me,

    aint it a bind when shoe shops wont sell three shoes or three gloves, as i have to throw one away every time i have to buy four

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