
What is the effect of global warming on winters?

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What is the effect of global warming on winters?




  1. There was a Winters playing for the Green Bay Packers, but I don't know if He's there anymore.

  2. global warming makes the winter either cold or not so cold because some winters easily pass because of the warm winds that blow much of it to more hotter places, remember diffusion?, it also makes tropical areas to somehow experience winter. I'm from the philippines so I can tell because when it is january the cold winds from japan, korea, and northern china makes our new year colder than usual.

  3. Same old stories, read the global papers, about ' global- warning', I MEAN 'WARMING'.

  4. Well, someone told me that some places like Canada, the winters will be much colder and harsh, and other places wont have winter anymore. I cant remember is exactly how it was explained sorry :( but I know its to do with the current of water.

  5. there would have to be proof that global warming exists to answer this question

  6. In theory instead of getting snow you get sleet, and rain, plus it should feel warmer, but I feel the winters are getting colder or longer, or even both, but hey! It may be because I'm getting older and feel the cold a bit more!!

  7. Well seeming how we are already dealing with the problem of global warming you can definitally see the effect on winters. I live in a state where normally we have a few feet of snow by December. Last winter ( 2007 ), we never got our first snow fall until Feb 14. And it was really really cold. This year its been relatively warm but we have gotten quite a bit of snow and it started in October. However, at the beginning of this month we had a week of 50-60 degree weather.

    Then you have states in the south and mid-west that never used to get snow that are getting more then we are. The weird storms the last few months is the perfect example of what effect global warming has on weather.

  8. warmer weather animals DIE

  9. Makes them much more livable.

  10. global warming is fake and completely unreal.  its an international scam click and read the information on this link

  11. well, little pardner, let me tell you.....first, people from the south are migrating north as it gets of the mexican persuasion, since there are a few extras, that will work for little and like it warm up here in the north, so then, when winter comes, they buy more tortillas and frijoles to keep warm and emit more methane and make it even more ungodly warmer...and there you have it...a vicious cycle......but hey !!! look at the bright side sport shifters !!! we are learning a new language !!! and, pretty soon, we'll all drive lowriders and eat more frijoles y arroz, and hey ! it will get even warmer !!!!  and, we won't NEED no steenking oil from all those poor folks in the mideast, and then all our troops can come home !!! and, we'll all live happily ever after.  

    THE END  (leave the light on, it will help with the heat !)

  12. global  warming  is  sad! its   when  people litter  and  do  things  when  they  are  not  supppost  to  on  the  envirment.thoose  things  effect  the  envierment  which   causes  global  warming.  global  warming  is comming  soon  it  is  very  close  to  hitting  us!if  we  dont  stop  littering  and  that  stuff  the  whole  planet  earth  one  part  at  a  time  will...    MELT!   than  if  it  malts  we  will  have  to  move  to...  MARS!  isnt  that  terrible!and  then  now  scince  it  is  winter  polar  bears  are  supposed  to  be  extict  !  and  pon  the  weekends  i  liuve  near  a  park  where  people  throw  trash  i  cla=ean  it  up  and  one  girl  just  started  starring  i  said  im  helping  the  enviroment!

  13. It varies from place to place.  In general global warming causes temperatures to rise a bit more in winter than in summer (Asia, Western North America), but in some places (Eastern North America) the reverse is true.

    Balling, R. C., Jr., P. J. Michaels, and P. C. Knappenberger, 1998. Analysis of winter and summer warming rates in gridded temperature time series. Climate Research, 9, 175-181

  14. Our winters here in the UK seem to have been milder in the last ten years than twenty or thirty years ago.  I think climate scientist will say that the average temperatures year round have increased a little.

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