
What is the effect of light on germination?

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like, do plants germinate better with sunlight or in the dark?




  1. Light affects the germination of a seed in adverse manner, so the seeds are usually kept for germination in dark. Once the seedlings are formed they need light to maintain the growth and vigour so they require sunlight.

  2. Some seeds require light to break their dormancy.  These are usually weedy plants with very small seeds.  They need light right away because the seed does not have a large food reserve (because they are small).  So, by using light as an environmental queue to germinate, this guarantees that the plant will be able to start photosynthesis right way and limits the risk that the plant will exhaust its seed reserve before it reaches light.

    Other seeds use moisture, temperature, or other stimuli like being passed through the gut of a bird (this ensure dispersal) to break dormancy.

  3. It depends on the plant species. Most plants germinate in the dark well than in sun light but immediately after germination it responds to the light for its further growth.

  4. Even tho a seed is underground, they seem attuned to the sunlight and the seasons.  Also to the amount of moisture and the temperature.  It is dark underground in a seed's natural environment so they usually prefer the dark to start; then they grow to the light.

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