
What is the effect of planting Jathropa in forest lands? in terms of monoculture?

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What is the effect of planting Jathropa in forest lands? in terms of monoculture?




  1. good question.  fortunately, this plant will grow on land that would beconsidered marginal. How are the cherries harvested? I wonder how labor intensive it is. It could probably grow in So Texas, as it can take a light frost but it may be too labor intensive for the industrial world. As far as mono culture, I can't think of any objections especially if it is machine harvested.  It sounds very disease resistant.

  2. In terms of replacing forest lands? I can't imagine it would be good. Mono cultures are generally bad. It looks like it would be a good candidate for agro-forestry applications.  I had never heard of it until now, but it doesn't look like it fills many ecological needs of a forest. If you were to plant it, it probably should only be used where it is native (central America) since it doesn't look like much is know about its long term effects. It might become invasive in other areas. Not really sure though, this is an interesting plant, thanks for the question.

  3. Well studies are still going on Jathropa and other alternatives. Anyway these alternatives are only going to increase pressure on land.

  4. jatropha should be a good coexistent plant for a forest area.

    as i would shade the ground and reduce water evaporation

    the only problem is that jathropa plants can not stand a freeze and is a zone 10 plant.

    if you plant jathropa then it would no longer be a monoculture as you would have the trees and jathropa.

    i have been looking at using jathropa as a wind break plant around farms that also could be used as a fuel source for farm equipment. giving the farmer a break on farm operating cost

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