
What is the effective lit area from a 40W light bulb?

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What is the effective lit area from a 40W light bulb?

e.g. 40W light bulb effectively lights 1 Square Metre




  1. What is the definition of "effectively lit"? There has to be some level at which an area is considered lit to even begin to answer the question....

  2. The effective lit area from a 40W light bulb is about 8 feet.

    Here's a quote from a 1998 article in the "FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin"

    "This research study demonstrates that police officers have difficulty differentiating between lethal and nonlethal objects illuminated by less than .50 foot-candles of light, the level frequently encountered during routine police working conditions at night"

    The effective lighting level required [cited in above article] is that given off by a 1/2 Candela light source received at 1 foot away.

    A GE 40 Watt light bulb is rated at 445 lumens.

    "A light source that uniformly radiates one candela in all directions radiates a total of 4π lumens"

    445 lumens is about equivalent to 35 Candela (445/(4*pi))

    Therefore a 40 Watt light bulb is 35 times brighter than one Candela or 70 times brighter than 1/2 Candela.

    The surface area of sphere around a light source increases as R^2.  A light source 70 times brighter than 1/2 Candela can shed the same light as the 1/2 Candela light source a distance of sqrt(70) or about 8.3 feet away.

    All of this of course assumes that it's a completely otherwise dark environment and that light is directed uniformly in all directions from the light bulb (i.e. no mirrors, painted walls, moonlight, etc.)

  3. and it depends on the type of bulb and its fitting

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