
What is the employment situation for art teachers in ireland?

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I am an art teacher from the US considering a move to Ireland. Are arts specialists common in public schools? I have a BFA in VA and a MAT in AE. I took my husband to DUblin and we noticed a lot of construction (his field) so our next question is how difficult would it be for me to find a job as an art teacher (Kindergarten-12th grade certified in the states)? We are open to all locations.




  1. Im sorry but im a student in secondary school(high school) in ireland and art is kinda seen as an unimportant subject here.For starters,in kindergarten up to 6th class in primary schoolfrom 3y/o to 12y/o the normal teacher will do art with the children it is not compulsory or anything,usually done on a friday as a treat or as an excuse for teacher to sit down.Then in high school they hire tom,d**k and harry to be an art teacher but because u have qualifications u have a good chance.Oh yeah and because irelands 10 year property boom has ended and we have entered recession ur husband has an extremely bad chance and i mean EXTREMELY BAD chance of getting a job.Unemployment benefit queues have almost doubled in a year and guess what...most of them are construction workers

  2. As far as i know you could both have problems. The construction industry has peaked and builders and other construction workers are signing on the unemployment register in rising numbers and likely to get worse with housing market glutted with unsold houses. My son who left the local community college six years ago never had art as part of his curriculum during his entire school life. There are a few jobs for art teachers but these are few and far between and rarely in the sector you are interested. Hope i havnt put you off too much.Alan in Co. Roscommon

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