
What is the energy absorbed by photosynthesis stored by?

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  1. The main end products of photosynthesis are starch and sucrose (different plants tend to make more of one that the other and this may be influenced by environment as well).  These compounds store energy that can be used later and liberated during respiration.

    Another way the photosynthetic system stores energy is via the proton gradient.  This is a much more short term storage mechanism but still very important.  During electron transport from H2O to CO2 energy is used to move H+ ions from the outer (stromal) side of the thylakoid membrane to the inner (lumen) side.  Indeed, the final H+ concentration in the lumen can exceed the outer concentration by more than 1000-fold.  As the H+ pass back from the lumen side to the stromal side of the membrane the energy is captured in the form of ATP.

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