
What is the energy process?

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sorry guys i have no clue what it is. help




  1. generally electricity is produced from coal.

    If you live in Las Vegas you dont have to worry about burning electricity because it is all powered from niagra falls hydro electric turbines.

    Traditional coal powered stations are very inefficent at burning  coal and by the time it is mined, burnt and put through a generator and transmitted from the power station to your house you lose about 70% of energy.

    This is why there is a lot of emphasis on using less electricity as generally there is large amounts of coal being burnt for you to use your electricity which pollutes the atmosphere as well as uses lots of water and causes global warming.

    This is also why it is often more viable to have local energy source such as a windmill or solar panels than to distribute it from a power station often 100's of miles away.

    Always happy to help a hot chick out :D

  2. WHICH energy process ?

    There are hundreds if not thousands of very different energy processes... could you be more precise ?

    You are one, a car driving is one, a nuclear power plant is one, the universe is one...

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