
What is the enviromental future of earth?

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with so much population increase on earth, untouched land is running very short. all forests, jungles, and natural landscapes are being converted into concrete urban or commercial regions.

grain shortage also starting to occur, like rice for example. worldwide shortage of rich now due to very heavy demand.

water will also run very short and toxic chemicals and pollution filling the air along with exponential raw sewage increase.

with all this destruction of nature, what is the future of earth?




  1. A famous author once wrote, " In space it is raining soup and down here on earth we don't even know about soup bowls."

    If we can see past the now and work towards the future we can turn this planet back into a really nice place to live.

    Sad note is that too many people want it all for themselves right now and are unwilling to help make the future better.

  2. The Earth will survive environmentally ... it's just that humans won't be here to see it.

  3. lotsa bad stuff.

  4. Honestly, you should get out more.  

    Spend some time outside in the fresh air.  See for yourself if the environmentalist claims are true.  Go for a walk, pick up some trash and put it in a bin.

    Rather than cry "The sky is falling!!".

    Rest assured, if evolutionists are right, the earth was OK before people and will be OK after people are gone.

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