
What is the equivalent US grade to Philippine grade?

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If my Philippine grade in college is 1.85, what is that in US grading system?




  1. The US has the reverse process. The following are the GENERAL/STANDARD grading scale:

    PHIL   US      US LETTER

    1.00 = 4.00 = A

    2.00 = 3.00 = B

    3.00 = 2.00 = C

    4.00 = 1.00 = D

    Now, there's no A+ in college. A-, B+, B-, C+, C- are subject to a university's standard.

    So, if you're grade is 1.85. then, it might be in between of A & B.

    1.00 to 1.24       = 4.00 to 3.69 = A

    1.25 to 1.50       = 3.70 to 3.36 = A-

    1.51 to 1.99       = 3.35 to 2.99 = B-

    2.00                    = 3.00              = B

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