
What is the equivalent alternative to colonic irrigation?

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i am not too keen on the procedure involved in colonic irrigation and have heard it can be dangerous and would much rather take something like a liquid herbal/tablets that would help flush out toxic waste in the same way a colonic would. any ideas?




  1. Just stop putting toxic waste in and consume only pure and healthy, fresh foods - local, seasonal, organic.

    The toxins will clear out naturally that way. I tried a colonic irrigation and wouldnt have one again, it was uncomfortable, i felt uncomfortable for days after too. And in hindsight, it cant be good for you, youre pushing stuff back up before it comes out and im sure it must upset the natural flora as much as refined, processed and c**p food.

  2. You DO NOT HAVE "toxic waste" to begin with.  This is a nonsense idea that alt med scammers have invented to try to sell gullible people colonic irrigation, enemas, "cleanses" and "detox" programs.  

    Your colon is perfectly capable of "cleanising" itself.  Mankind existed for thousands of years without the need for all this ridiculous "cleansing".  You will be fine without it.

  3. The key is to find someone in your area who well  established and reputable. I had colon hydrotherapy done.  It was not terribly uncomfortable and  I felt worlds better once it was completed. (the machine she uses is FDA approved) II had to have a perscription from my physician. It is basically an e***a. two tubes on the specula for fluid in and fluid out.

    It took 4 sessions to finish it up. The woman I went  to was very gentle and thoughtful. She put me on a probiotic called  iflora to take along with and after the sessions were done. She also recommended taking an ounce or two of quality grade aloe vera juice  daily.  Honest, I would recommend the process. It doesn't "shove everything back"  and you will feel better.

  4. A e***a, but i must warn you they can be very un-comfertable. Though i had fecal inpaction, and was in agony and had too have gas and air! But i reckon if you are not in pain anyway it should not hurt.

    Try senna, or google it and see what it says.

  5. oxy powder is safe and works. I use it now and i'm 15 weeks pregnant.

  6. Opus is correct in saying mankind has managed to exist without Colonics but is ignoring the effect of poluting the environment of air, water and food.

    We have only been using pertochemical based pestocides + pumping waste from exhausts and industrialisation for a hundred years or so. Consequently we are exposed to chemicals which mankind did not have to deal with prior.

    The Liver does indeed detox and there is a certain amount of exchange that does ocur in the GI tract expeling toxins, however one of the ways the liver deals with toxin is to store it as it isn't always able to metabolise it into something safer.

    I have done a fruit and veg fast eating nothing but low carb fruit and low carb veg for 7 days and drinking just water for 2 of those days.

    On day 5 I felt terrible. I was advised that this was because the Liver at this stage starts to expel the stored toxins. Judging by how I felt (I felt like I'd been poisoned) I can beleive this.

    Aside from the detox effect (which I cannot confirm really happened as I didn't have a blood test), the fast starves your  Gi tract of food which it can metabolise (Fruit and veg consist of mainly fibre), consequently the bacteria in the GI tract dies (both good and bad). In order to repopulate the gut with good bacteria you must eat good wholesome food which encourages the growth of symbiotic bacteria which helps us digest food. Foods rich in Fructa-oligo-sacharides ( i think thats how you spell it!) are optimum.

    Non beneficial bacteria competes with the good ones but thrive on a highly processed high sugar diet. These eat the food before you do, multiply and excrete waste which sits in your guts. This can make you feel unwell and under the weather and a certain amount of it does enter into the blood stream which has to be metablised by the cleansing organs.

    Ultimately a colonic will only flush out the bad bacteria, it will not repopulate your guts with good stuff. Unless you eat correctly afterwards you will not be better off long term.

    An Alternative is a fast, or iff too extreme good diet and foods rich in Fructa-oligo-sacharides + probiotics. There is mach evidence to prove this that even the medics like.

  7. A chicken tikka from your local slop house.

  8. Ex-Lax and a hot vegetable curry followed by 4000 mg of pure Vit C powder.

  9. First of all, I certainly wouldn't suggest a laxative of the sort that works by irritating the intestinal lining.

    The best way to achieve what you want is probably two-fold; improve the diet (less sugar and refined flour, more fruit and vegetables) but I suspect that you have already done that.

    Second; take a product containing semi-soluble (gummy) fibre. The best type is probably one containing psyllium seed, which takes up large amounts of water and thus increases the intestinal volume and decreases transit time; also, if you have impacted material on the colon walls (and I am not convinced this ever happens) it should peel this stuff off as well.

    It's also a good idea to take probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus as well.

    It is very important to take fibre products as directed, specifically the taking of them with large amounts of water.

    I don't recommend taking cereal brans at all. They are quite abrasive, don't really take up much water and some people have sensitivity or allergic reactions to them.

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