
What is the equivalent of Myspace or Facebook in Spain?

by Guest61703  |  earlier

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I have friends in Spain, and I'd like to use the same website as them. Does anyone know what Spainards use instead of Facebook or Myspace to keep in touch with friends? Thanks :)




  1. there is myspace in Spain.  I have searched it.

    If you go into myspace, and go to the bottom of your homepage, you will find a directory you can click on...Myspace International.  Then click on the country.  continue, and you will find a page like the regular homepage (before you connect to your own,) and it's in spanish.

  2. Myspace and Facebook.


  3. I lived in Spain last year and they used MySpace.

  4. Actually there is a spanish-made web community. It is called TUENTI, that stands for the pronunciation of the number '20'.

    The problem is that to access this community u need an invitation from a person that is already a member. If ur spanish friends are already inside, u can ask them for an invitation.

    The site has been getting hughely popular in the last few months, and u can connect with people from ur same university (eg, universidad de salamanca), from ur same city (ie, madrid), and from the same night-clubs u go to.

    Also u can share pics and have a blog... very similar to facebook and/or myspaces. This is getting more popular because its all in spanish ;) and very local so u actually know a lot of people on it already, and get to know much more people from ur area.

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