
What is the essence of eroticism

by Guest64527  |  earlier

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What is the essence of eroticism




  1. A sexual presence & feeling

  2. Moisture.  

  3. BDSM, haha. WTF are you talking about xD?

  4. I think it gives some people big 'ol blue veiners.

  5. I don't think there is one.  With any concept, there are more and less "fluid" aspects.  Some aspects can very easily change, while still maintaining a clear relevance to the overarching concept, and some other aspects are "deeper" or otherwise more integral, but to say that there is something "essential" would mean that there is at least one meaningful aspect of the concept which was invariant.  I don't think that this is the case with concepts...

    But, the closest that I can come up with is the notion of the "Functional Role".  If eroticism is defined as "the sexual character of something", then the essence of eroticism would be..."Anything that has a sexual character to an agent".  Whatever causes the sexual character can be as different as a naked form or a leather shoe, as long as it plays the role, or functions as something which causes the agent who is viewing the thing to enter a state of sexual has eroticism.  

    It's all in how you look at it.  Eroticism is in the eye of the beholder.  I suppose for the entomologist, eroticism is in the eye of the "bee" holder?

  6. Visuals for the man, and a sense of feel for the woman.  

  7. being nude and having desire

  8. In some circles the 'essence of eroticism' has been called 'fecal desire'.

    *footnote - I would say the "thumbs down fairy" has been touched by the "essence of erotica".

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