
What is the ethnicity of Lebanese/Syrian/Bahraini /Iraqi/Egyptian?

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they look different so they cant be all arab like people from arabia




  1. You named the ethnicities (Lebanese, Syrian, etc). Racially, they are White. As for origins, Lebanese and most Syrians are Phoenician, Bahrainians are Arab, etc.

  2. The people in the Gulf (Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, uae etc.) are ethnically Arab. Lebanese/Syrians/Iraqis/Egyptians and all Arabic speaking countries which are not a part of the Gulf are probably not ethnically Arab, or maybe just partially Arab. There are real Arabs in those countries (Bedouins) but the majority of people are not ethnically Arab. For example, my Dad is from Mosul (in Northern Iraq) and he has blond hair/blue eyes, unless there are European looking people in the desert of Saudi Arabia, I doubt that he's Arab. And I've never met a Syrian or Lebanese person who looks anything like the Arabs (bedouins)/Saudi Arabians.

  3. you just named the ethnicities. people always get race and ethnicity confused. racially they would all be caucasian but ethnically they are lebanese, syrian, bahrania, iraqi or egyptian OR even more broadly arab since they share islam, culture, traditions and similar geographic home.

    ethnicity is a social construct while race is a psuedo-scientific construct. use both sparingly.

  4. I Palestinian Arabian citizen , and I don't care with ethnicity ! that is it .


  5. this is the great thing in Islam

    no racism ,no colors ,if any one like to be Arabian he would be considered as Arabian with welcome

    so do not lose your time

  6. Wat bout jordan...wat u hav no thoughts bout Jordan!!!

  7. i would ask you about prophet muhammad first

    is he arab? if yes, you see that he is the descendant of prophet ibrahim, and prophet ibrahim is a babylonian.

    so when you see this fact, are you will judge that prophet muhammad isn't an arab. ofcourse not!

    no matter if they are phonecian, babylonian, sumerian, sabaeyan, bedouin. it was the name for the people at the past.

    as this time goes by they consider as arabs, no matter what their root.

    so don't be curious with this situation, arabs aren't same each other, they have so long history.

    for the comparison you can see european/white people. english and italian are so different aren't they? but all of them considered as white people

    hope this help

  8. Lebanese ad Syrian are Phoenicians

    Egyptian are "Pharaonists "

    Bahraini are Arab

    Iraqi are Mesopotamian

  9. They are all Arabic mixed with the other indigenous people that used to live there before the Arab invasions in the 6th century AD. They are all semetic in root because the early inhibitants of the Middle East were Semites like the Arabs.

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