
What is the ethnicity of the following people? (I either find no information or get conflicting information)?

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Naomi Campbell

Trent Reznor

Justin Chambers

Patrick Dempsey

Carol Channing

Yvonne DiCarlo

Agnes Moorehead

Ava Gardner

Skeet Ulrich

Dog the Bounty Hunter




  1. First, they might have changed their names when they became actors so those names might not be their birth names. Not to mention, the female names might be their married name.

    Their ethnicity depends on their parents and grandparents so each one would have to be researched separately.

    You probably would want to search for their tree as an individual, not as a star. and www.gencircles are two good sites that might have information on each of them by family researchers, not those just looking to put up a tree, right or wrong.

    Here's Ava Gardners:

    Try Wikipedia as a starting point:

  2. Several of those persons in your list seem to be persons who are living, which translates into, unless they choose otherwise, their ancestry can be considered private/ confidential information.  

    The ONE reliable way to verify their ethnic background is to trace their lineage, AND find substantiated records that prove where the ancestors originated.  It is extremely probable that this is exactly WHY YOU are getting conflicting info.  The person posting it, is not the one who has valid records, and is not always bothering to insure that they have accurate records. They may have good info.. they may be little more than spreading rumors.

    It can go either way, when dealing with a celebrity. You MIGHT find reliable ancestry facts... or the person involved may make the legitimate choice of keeping their family information private. It is a toss up.  

  3. Naomi Campbell - African, Chinese (parents where Jamaicans)

    Trent Reznor - I think his surname is German

    Justin Chambers - Irish, German

    Patrick Dempsey - Irish

    Yvonne DiCarlo - Scottish, Italian

    Agnes Moorehead - English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh

    Ava Gardner - Irish, Amerindian, Scottish English

    Dog the Bounty Hunter - His surname (Chapman) is English

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