
What is the etiquette on baby-proofing your hosts house when you have your toddler with you?

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Is it okay to put things away/out of reach without asking?

I've had several mothers take it upon themselves to do this kind of thing without asking me first. For instance, hiding the litter box where neither me not my cat could find it. Or one time I couldn't find my kitchen knives. Don't you think that's a little rude and presumptuous? I can understand the need for baby proofing but to do it without asking?




  1. If you know a toddler is coming over, you should try to baby proof a bit -- take up anything you don't want broken and put it away.  Just in case.  As for the parent taking it upon themselves to baby proof without asking, that's just downright rude.  I wouldn't go through someone's house touching or moving things without permission.  If I thought the child might get something and hurt themselves or else break it, I'd ask if it could moved -- but I wouldn't just take it upon myself to do it.  I think that friend of yours is overstepping the boundaries of a "guest."  The only exception to this is if I were at my Mom's house -- then I wouldn't hesitate to move stuff around, but that's because I know she wouldn't care.  I certainly wouldn't do it at a friend's or anyone else's house.

  2. Myself, when I took my kids visiting I kept a close eye on them.  I didn't go around and re-arrange any ones house.

  3. Sounds like she's paraniod! yeh it was rude don't have her back.

  4. You may try to baby proof for toddlers but if your friends have no control over their little ones or never say no then mind the baby bell you keep in your fridge because NOTHING IS SAFE WITH TODDLERS.

    Toddlers learn very quickly but they are hard work.  Going to someone else's house is an ideal time for mums to teach them that some  things (within reason) are not for touching.

    ewwwwww at cat litter trays though

  5. It seems like this is a continuing problem for you. If you want these women to visit you, perhaps you should invest in a folding playpen for the toddlers, or babyproof a spare room and put a gate on the door. .  

  6. your right noone should move your things without asking you first..if my child was going to touch something that i thought would hurt her id simply say "do you mind if i move this" problem solved then everyone is happy the child cant touch it anymore and the host likes that she was asked first..your friend is just rude

  7. Your guest was VERY rude and presumptuous. That would be the day I rearranges someone elses house while I was visiting with my daughter.

    All they had to do was keep and eye on their child, its really not hard.

    The litter box thing...lame!! What if you went to her house and hid all the diapers! haha...not reallly the same, but you get the drift...

  8. No thats out of order.

    She should watch her child carefully and if her child reaches for anything dagerous she could just ask , do you mind If I just move this somewhere?

  9. It's your house tell them to leave there snot gobblers at home it's an adult dinner party

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