
What is the etiquette on painting the backside of a fence?

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My neighbors have a fence on their property - the backside facing my yard. They are planning on painting it but only the side facing their property. If the other side is to be painted, they are expecting us to do it. I am kind of surprised. What is the etiquette here?




  1. They have the wrong etiquettecy themselves lol...when you build a fence the back side is always supposed to  face your property...They built it backwords..they left the hard part for you to paint with all the braces and poles and cutting in..all they have to do is put cardboard at the bottom to keep grass off the wood and roll brush work...But they chose to put it up , they cannot expect you to share any costs at all preserving they will even want you to paint or stain it the color they want..instead of something that would fit your decor....Your budget may not be as freely as thiers..don't let them stress you and make you spend money that you haven't counted on using..if they want it done that bad..they should do it..

  2. What a home improvment for you....You can paint the fence to match your colors.........If they are staining it,  I would get the same stain color for the side facing your property.......good luck..

  3. Since it is their fence, they should do it. But you have to look at it all of the time, so paint it how you want, but let them know first. Do you want it white. red, wood-stain color? Your choice.

  4. For fences that border two properties, the common practice around here (southern california) makes each owner responsible for his/her side, and your neighbor showed proper ettiquette by informing you of his/her intentions before actually doing anything to the fence.

    Are we talking about an existing fence, a newly erected fence (where none previously existed), or a fence that replaced a sagging or damaged (etc.) fence?  

    If the fence replaced an old one that was in disrepair, then may I suggest  that for ettiquette's sake, perhaps you owe your neighbor a gracious (if not exuberant) "Thank You".   Usually replacement  costs are split 50/50 for fences bordering properties, so s/he probably saved you hundreds of dollars.  (maybe you should offer to wash your neighbor's car for a year, or something?   ...just kidding.....).  

    Anyway, hope this helps!

  5. If it were me, I'd attempt to meet them halfway, and offer to paint the side of the fence which faces you IF they will supply the paint or stain, you'll supply the labor.

  6. It is their fence - so you would have to ask them if you can paint it - they don't have to paint it themselves.

    you could always put your own fence up right next to theirs.

  7. I think they should at least offer to paint is their fence!  My neighbor always stains both sides....if anything, for protection of the fence.

  8. If the fence is in fact on their property (not crossing any easements, over your line, etc.) then it's their choice/responsibility to take care of it or paint it how they see fit. They shouldn't expect you to do anything about it since it's on their property. The etiquette is for you not to paint the fence since it's not yours. If you would prefer it painted and they're not going to do it, it's the old "if you want something done, you'll have to do it yourself" addage, just consult them first. Good luck.

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