
What is the etiquette with bar girls?

by  |  earlier

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If they start holding my hand, what does that mean? Is placing my hand on their knee unwelcome?




  1. Usually they are drunk- so they are a bit sleezier, or should I say "friendly"

  2. bar girls -> the girls who are working at the bar

    did she tease ya? cos she has a job to talk with the guests

    Bran u´re totally wrong!

    Added: the western gals like mostly if men put their hands on the knee...what is the problem?

  3. lmao bar girl etiquette..ur kidding right? 90% of the girls you meet in the bar dont know the me lmao..just do what feels natural..of course hand on the knee is fine..if your both drunk..thats what its about..go for it champ, men are hunters, so begin targeting your prey ;)

  4. holding hands= they like you. Do not place your hand on their knee. That is too forward and implies s*x. What is your definition of "bar girl"? Do you mean someone who goes to bars a lot, or are you talking about the ones who practically own a barstool and they dont have a life? I consider myself a barfly as I enjoy talking and drinking and enjoying people at the bars. This does not make me a sleaze or a drunk. I am a human and have feelings. I am not there to have s*x with people! Just keep that in mind when you are interested in your "bar girl".

  5. Part of the job of bar girls is to encourage the customers to buy more drinks. If they hold your hand, it only means they are doing their job. They may allow you to put your hand on their knee, but it would be better if you didn't. Above all, don't assume that there is any personal relationship being created. Their flirting is strictly business.

  6. What is the etiquette with Bar girls?  I wasn't aware there was such a person?  Are you sure these girls work only there or do they come there, after they leave their day job, as you do?

    Perhaps, you're at a singles bar and she's interested in you.

    I will agree with some of the others "some girls" are hunters just like men are.  You might want to make sure you're always carrying protection, if you're easily tempted to give in to holding hands.  Never know what that can lead to.  You guys are messes.  Never cease to amaze me.  However, I do realize males instinct is breed the female.  Just please be careful out there. Girls aren't always kind in todays world.  They lie as well, as you can.


  7. go for it make sure they've had a few drinks in them first most of em go home with you and get in the sac with you

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