
What is the evdience behind global warming being NATURAL..?

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how can the thwory claim that it is natural>?




  1. People just look at the stats, like our average temperature is only rising by 1 degree per year, or something like that.  The also think the severe weather is part of a natural pattern.  And everything that we are doing isn't a big deal....(it is) I know it's tough, but google around, you'll find some supporting "facts" or how it's a "hoax"

  2. The sun is void of sunspots which puts out more energy to the earth.  This is a natural 22 year cycle.

    Volcanoes put out more pollution and there have been more eruptions in the past 2 years than in the past 20 years.  Earthquakes also release methane into the air.

  3. Many Scientist have done the research and concluded that the Sun is what is giving us the warmth.  The Sun's output is never constant.

    Check out the Dutch National Space Agency for reputable scientist who know that it's the Sun, not man that is the source for all of Earths warmth.

  4. It can be shown with evidence from various sources that the Earth has had previous cycles of warming and cooling.  If recent warming (and cooling) trends fall within the historic levels that were natural, than any theory indicating that is not natural would have the burden of proof.  Under our current state of knowledge and technology, we cannot prove what caused any particular temperature variations.  There is simply too much data, too many unknowns, and too many assumptions.  Those that pretend to know, don't.

  5. The earth naturally warms and cools, as it always has.  The recent warming trend ended in 1998...essentially global warming has stopped.  There was a .6 of one degree increase in the earth's temperature over the past 100 years, again with none happening since '98 .

    With no change in the carbon content of the atmosphere, the fact that the warming has stopped is indicative of natural forces at work, and suggests manmade g/w was not the driving force.

  6. That the earth has gotten warmer and colder before.  

    The earth was not at a constant comfortable temperature before man started burning coal and oil.  It fluctuated with warming and cooling periods.

  7. the sun gets bigger as time goes by, which makes the Earth get warmer and warmer

  8. Because climate change has happened even more dramatically than it is happening now even when humans were not on the earth. Secondly, the sun is the source of our heat. The sun is not stable, so variations within the sun can cause climate to change here.

  9. Al Gore is the most commonly cited answer for this. A recent argument was "Algore", put forth by Limbaugh listeners as evidence against AGW. And another common one is to repeat Al gore's name 3 times then mentioning something about liberals and the economy.

  10. there are both natural and human volcanos and factories.


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