
What is the exact answer of chemical digestion?

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What is the exact answer of chemical digestion?




  1. Chemical digestion offers a meaning to define... where in the digestive' system, a host of  varried & allied Chemical Reactions are being a integrated part of a metabiolism process, enabling to dissolving the intake of eateries / food  right from the point of input at mouth, where the saliva activates to ensue effectuated work-in-progress unto the varied secretional hormones & enzymes and other digestives interminably render their interdependant role  down through the digestive-tract upto the Large-intestine.

    Chemical digestion is a biological process where the enzymes act breakdown your food and absorb it into the body… all that… what your body takes from the food.

    Chemical digestion, the breakdown of food substances into their building blocks ,( fatty acids ,glycerol, amino acids) so that your body can absorb them.

    Chemical digestion involves a meta-biological language of enzymes that break down starches, protiens, fats, etc....

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