
What is the exact date of Obon in Japan?

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What is the exact date of Obon in Japan?




  1. Usually 8/13 to 8/15.

    8/13 is the day that we welcome our ancestors (mukaebi).

    8/15 is the day that we farewell to our ancestors (okuribi).

    By the way, my family belongs to Nichiren buddhism.

  2. It's from 13-16 July in Tokyo, and 13-16 August in the rural areas.

    I've always been wondering why Tokyo celebrates it one month earlier, and still haven't found the right answer to it, though I'm j*p!

  3. The exact Buddhist date for Obon is month-7 (July) 15 according to the Asian lunar calendar. Since the lunar calendar is in disuse in Japan, people who have ancestral graves in Tokyo tend to perform their ancestral Obon rites around calendar July 15.

    The Japanese rule of thumb for the lunar calendar is that it's approximately a month behind the regular calendar, so the lunar Buddhist Obon is considered to be on August 15. That's why Tokyo becomes an empty since for the three days of Aug 14-16, when people with ancestral ties outside Tokyo visit home for their Obon rites. This is called Ura-bon, except Ura- comes from Sanskrit and has nothing to do with what a native Japanese speaker might think it is.

    So if you want an answer, there are actually three. 7-15 (lunar), July 15 (Western), and August 15 (Western). Of the three, August 15 is probably most popular. Obon has never been an official holiday in Japan, so it's never had an official date.

  4. there is no exact date

    but its usually from august 10th to august 17th

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