
What is the exact definition for a vacation cash out?

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Doesn't it mean that you are going to receive cash instead of going on vacation? Or does it mean that you can go on vacation and still get paid for the vacation cash-out? My dad said that one of his co workers was off for 5 days and only got paid for 4 days of the vacation. So does that mean my dad can also get off for 5 days and STILL get his vacation cash-out money?




  1. A vacation cash out generally means you're getting paid for your vacation instead of taking it.  I was in that position a couple of times.  The workload was such that I couldn't take my vacation, but I had to take it or lose it.  The company paid me for the vacation time.  I didn't get to take it off but I didn't lose it in that I got paid for it.  I essentially got paid twice for those days because the vacation pay was an extra check, not part of what I would have normally gotten paid.  

    With some companies you get a paid vacation.  You get the days off but you get paid while you are on vacation.  This isn't the same as a cash out as I understand it.  It sounds like your dad's co-worker got shorted a day's pay.  




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