
What is the exact procedure for arya samaj wedding in mumbai? How much money is required on a whole?

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I am planning for an arya samaj mandir wedding and wish to know all the details regarding the same. Right from how to start to the end part of it including making the marriage legal? And the approximate total cost? Also what are the things required from our side and the stuff that the mandir people arrange?




  1. Hi..I too got married at Arya Samaj mandir..and i believe all arya samaj mandirs have same rules & regulations....I got married at Delhi mandir.

    Marriage was very simple and sweet...but main thing is that u need to book the mandir..go to the mandir..there must be some incharge of all these things...u can contact him ...give him date of marriage...because smetimes there are 20-30 marriage in same it becomes quite a mess.

    they will ask you for some documents like...3-4 photos of both bride & groom...need to fill aform and some advance.

    address proof, age certificate.....thn at the tme of marriage u wll need 3 witness to sign....Mandir will make the affidfit from their side.

    Then there r charges ...fees of pandit, mandir charges + if yo need to book their hall for lunch or should not cost you more than 5000-6000.

    Marriage will take 1-2 hrs...they will provide you marriage certificate (Arya Samaj certificate)..but its better if you also get it registered by court because government authorities does not accept Mandir certificate.

  2. Get in touch with the local Arya Samaj, and then they will give a list of items that you need to procure. This will not cost you much. If you marry in their premises, they will issue you a marriage certificate also.

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