
What is the exact sailing distance between Staithes Harbour and Redcar harbour, UK? or how can I find out?

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  1. Redcar?? -  beach fronted, no harbour.  Nearest safe berth would be a tie-up on the Tees - some big traffic on this river, or Hartlepool.  H'pool has a Marina.  Try 'phoning local Harbour Master for advice on mooring.

    Staithes to Redcar beach front -12 st mls, or 10.4 n mls;

    Staithes to H'pool - 19 st mls, or 16.5 n mls to H'pool Marina.

    If you want to calculate nautical distances, you can get the formulas at wikipedia - 'great circle navigation' or 'rhumb lines'.  Rhumb lines are okay for distances up to 200 nm or so.

  2. Don't go to sea without an up-to-date chart, or you'll put yourself and others in danger. To find the distance, measure it on the chart. To find the time, allow for tide (it affects your speed over the ground). If you don't know how to read the chart or allow for tide, take the evening course called RYA Dayskipper Theory at your local college.

    Please please don't think going to sea is an easy casual thing to do.

  3. about 20 miles, but it depend on the wind of course. :)

  4. go to google maps!

    I love that site

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