
What is the exact time difference between New Jersey and Costa Rica?

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What is the exact time difference between New Jersey and Costa Rica?




  1. The above answerer is WRONG... well, at least half wrong.

    They do not observe daylight savings time in Costa Rica.

    In the summer, they are TWO hours behind New Jersey... in the winter, they are ONE hour behind New Jersey.

  2. My mom's friend is in New Jersey and he was born in Costa Rica.  His name is Cesar.  --Think, what time is it in Mexico, and Costa Rica is just under. I live in California and Costa Rica is one hour more than here.

    Please pick me as your best answer!!

  3. New Jersey is on Eastern time and Costa Rica is on central it is one hr. earlier in Costa Rica.  See website below for a world time zone map to see time anywhere in the world.

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