
What is the exchange rate of the U.S dollar to the Costa Rica colones

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What is the exchange rate of the U.S dollar to the Costa Rica colones




  1. 1.00 USD = 552.585 CRC is used widely across the travel industry and many more for currency conversions.


  3. 550 now, it was like 510 back in march when I was there.

  4. The Colon has been varying wildly against the Dollar.  It went from 494 to the dollar three months ago to 572 just a few weeks ago.  Then it went down to around 540 and back up to 547.  The official exchange rate, according to the Central Bank of Costa Rica is 547.49 to the Dollar.

    You can check the daily exchange rate on the TicosLand website.  We also post a list of the exchange rates at other banks.  These can be a few Colones lower or higher than the official exchange rate.  

    A word of warning!  Never exchange dollars at the money exchange at the airport.  It's called Casa de Cambio Gobal Exchange.  Their rates are 50 Dolones lower than the official exchange rate.  Go to the ATMs or to the bank to ensure that you get every bit of what you should get.

    If you want any other Costa Rica information, visit the TicosLand website.

  5. As reported in yesterdays newspaper 547 colones per U.S. dollar.

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