
What is the exchange rate within thailand at present?

by Guest61755  |  earlier

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Is it higher than 61.82 to the british pound?

Should I take travellers cheques?




  1. one bullet for one life.

  2. The exchange rate is 61.222 (, but that could change tomorrow.

    Cash is less of a hassle to exchange for local currency. Cash is also more attractive to thieves. Bring cash, but keep some emergency funds in the form of travellers cheques.

  3. Here is a currency converter you can use.  You get your best rate after you get to Thailand.

    Bangkok Bank currency calculator:

    The exchange rate changes every day.  Sometimes you get a little more and sometimes a little less but usually not by much. Today's rate will be different tomorrow.  Thailand uses real banks or mini bank branches to change money over.  Hotels and stores will give you a lower rate.  

    Travelers checks do give you a little more in return but there is a 33 baht commission charged per check.  I would stick to the larger check denominations to cut down on lots of fees for cheap price travelers checks.    

    You don't have to change all of your money at one time.   When you are ready to go home there will be a place at the airport where you can change your Thai baht over to your home currency at the airport.  I always find currency exchange booths open all the time, even open at 5 in the morning and after midnight when my flights usually arrive or depart.  There are lots of places all over Bangkok and other major cities to change your money over.

    You can also use debit cards in ATMs.  Notify your bank before you leave for overseas if you intend to use a debit or credit card or an ATM may deny your withdrawal be cause of suspected fraud.

    Good luck.

  4. Today i saw that it was down below 60.00 to the will get a little more with travellers cheques but try to bring low value ones so you can change a little at a time in the hope that you may shortly get a few more baht to the pound....good luck


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