
What is the experience of being drunk?

by  |  earlier

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I just would like to know experiences of being drunk...what is the first sign that u are drunk? does food taste better..and does the drunkedness make u more hungry.

many thanks




  1. well, if you start drinking with a bad attitude you'll end up with a worse one, and if you start with a good attitude you be in a better mood. sometimes you become emotional than you ever were in your life, and you just let out your feelings that you've been holding in because you aren't scared to say them. you tell people how you really feel about them without worrying what they will say, and you become an expert conversationalist. and the food feels amazing, like your teeth become numb, and you want to get your teeth in anything, cause it feels good to bite on something. drunks don't like drinking water.. haha. but i happened to be really wasted one night, and they were trying to get me to sober up with water, and i didn't want to drink it, so they "made" me another drink, which happened to be water, but i couldn't tell cause i was so drunk! haha.

  2. I think basically the emotions you feel at the time are just exaggerated and it makes you forget things, everything can either seem a lot better or a lot worse.. if you're in a really good mood you'll probably feel great but if you drink when you;re feeling down it will just make you feel more depressed and the hangover isn't a nice experience :s

  3. if you want to get drunk fast do not eat before you drink or drink fast as many drinks you can drink in a short period of time that will work for you party hardy have one for me

  4. I personnally don't know... but a man I know was so drunk he started to cough out blood and went to the hospital.  I was so worried he wouldn't live.

  5. It makes you feel braver and more sociable than you normally are.  Basically it lowers your inhibitions, It also relaxes your central nervous system so you're sloppy and incoherent.  You'll eat anything.

  6. I dont get drunk on the regz soo its fun :D Lol.. yeaah I enjoy it when I do its a calm feeling with a bit of SPICEEE hehe

  7. Ask a glass of water!

  8. All the above. Its really boring.

  9. Have you never been drunk no?

    I cant really describe the feeling but it gives you a bad *** hangover in the morning...

    If u wnat to drink make sure you no your limits, take your time injoy your self.


  10. You become merry and being to be the expert conversationlist

  11. Being drunk is great when you are around a bunch of people that you really like or with all of your friends.  But if you drink with people who annoy you there annoying tendencies will be multiplied by 300.  For me drinking makes it easier to say stuff that I usually keep bottled up whether it is for better or for worse ha.  But if you are around good company drinking will give you some of the best memories of your life.

  12. You will start to have a slight headache, you feel nausea, you want to throw up, you start to see things blurry or moving, you may feel hungry and want to eat something savoury, you sometimes cannot control your emotion that you may cry or laugh for no reason at all.

  13. Trust me dont do i now i havent but from looking at this world it is not a good feeling and think abut how your faily would feel.

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