
What is the fact of forex trade?

by Guest61342  |  earlier

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what is the big fact of the forex trade? Is it all about losing your money trading to get a real profit that you will never seen, or its a real trade that you can make some extra profit with some learning and market studies?

I heared a lot of stories about forex, some says its only for Banks and others who control the market, some says its for every one .. I'd like to get a clear answer .. is it a real trade?

I take in consideration that the company i deal with must be trusted and have a number and all that trustship consideration.

Thanks all




  1. the fact is you may or may not lose money trading forex.  it all depends on the skills you acquired to speculate currency trends. forex trading is speculative and this is where the winners differentiate from the losers. lots of robotic softwares are marketed out there to guide you on your decisions, however, the best speculator is still yourself.  if you want to get real profits in forex, you have to painstakingly study and device your own techniques, strategies and tactics.  

    the link below offers personal tutorial to those aspiring forex traders. the site is one of the leaders in forex trading today so you are assured you are dealing with a very legitimate, trusted and reliable forex site. for an initial deposit of at least $100.00 which can also be use to trade later, they will provide you a personal Account Service Manager (ASM) with whom you can talk live via phone, email or chat. your ASM is actually an expert forex trader and is tasked to be your mentor, adviser, friend and trading partner which means at your request he will trade along with you until you get familiar with their system and will give you the tips and tricks you need to know and do to achieve a profitable forex dealing.    

  2. I have made really good money just day trading Forex, but the consistent money is made by Forex Robots who trade on your behalf.  they buy and sell at the right points to minimise the risk to you.

    There are some good, some bad and some scams out there,

    Make sure you read up on the different ones at before making a choice.

    P.S. My favourite is Forex Funnel

  3. Most books and courses on the subject of currency trading say that it is normal for beginners to lose money at first. Some even go as far as to say that it is normal to have a losing streak that lasts for several months! This philosophy stems from the rationale that after losing significant amount of money, you will have more experience and knowledge in your future trading endeavors. If you went by their standards, how much of your hard earned money will be left in a few months? This type of attitude sets you up to fail. Why enter a battle if you are destined to lose? The only purpose for such advice is for currency and futures brokers and dealers to make money on the spreads and commissions that you will pay to them. More often you trade, more profits for your broker or dealer. Day

    trading in its purest form may have worked in the late 90’s for traders who were trading volatile high tech stocks. Some traders also called “scalpers” were getting in and out of positions in matters of minutes, even seconds and were making their profits on small differences between bid and ask price. However, those days are now gone. In currency trading, if you are planning to scalp, or if you are planning to jump in and out of positions

    all day long you will not last long. I can guarantee you that. Also if you plan to purchase an X amount of Euros, GBP or Swiss Francs and just forget about them in a “buy and hold” fashion, most likely you won’t get anywhere. Currencies do not behave in the same fashion as stocks or stock market indexes for the reasons that we have described earlier.Well, if you should not day trade and you should not buy and hold, what should you do?The best approach to currency trading is called swing trading or short term trading whereyou hold your positions for periods anywhere from few days to few weeks, and very rarely for a few months.

  4. You can make money doing all kinds of things.  Do I think you can do it with forex?  Some of the time maybe.  Keep in mind that the people that want you to do forex are usually the ones making money off of you.

    You could trade currencies using FXA, FXY, FXE on the stock market.

  5. Forex trading is not something that you will jump right into and start making thousands a week.  If your not able to devote your time to learning the ins and outs of the market then the best thing you can do is either pay a expert to teach you in less time, pay a broker to make your trades or buy some kind of Forex software (I use the Forex Tracer) that can do trades for you all day long. The option of a forex robot is best if you don't want to have to pay every month for lessons or for you own broker.  

  6. Trading foreign exchange is all about speculation. Speculation, in a financial context, is the assumption of the risk of loss, in return for the uncertain possibility of a reward.

    Participating in the forex market can not be considered as investing. When a particular position involves no risk may one say, strictly speaking, that such a position represents an "investment".

    Financial speculation involves the buying, holding, selling, and short-selling of stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, collectibles, real estate, derivatives, or any valuable financial instrument to profit from fluctuations in its price as opposed to buying it for use or for income via methods such as dividends or interest.

    Not every Tom, d**k or Harry who trades foreign exchange will make money. If you want to trade foreign exchange, do so from the safe side. First open a demo trading account and see if you can make money with that demo account. This way, you risk nothing but time.

    Hope this input helps. Good luck!

  7. I make my living now on forex trading and although it was hard initially, it's OK now and I would say it's easier than most other jobs.  

    The most important thing is for you to manage your risk and get a decent broker.  Also get good tools like forex trading software.  Plenty these days but use them and test before investing real money.

  8. Forex is a difficult market, but it's possible to make money on it if you work on it, study it and paper trade on a demo account until you make money consistently. There are several good websites that teach you how to trade Forex for a living, and some of them are completely free.

    Good luck.

  9. You've got to be careful about which Forex robots you use because many of them are "scams".

    I use one called "Forex Autopilot" and got it from this site:

    That site reviews the top forex robots by taking real customer comments and building an unbiased, credible review from them.

    Good luck!

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