
What is the farthest anyone has ever run without stopping?

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for sleep, food, or anything else




  1. I went 26.2 miles once.  I'm doing it again in October.  Hello, Falmouth Marathon!

  2. "Dean Karnazes author of 'Ultra Marathon Man: Confessions of an All-Night Runner,' and long distance runner, has ran [sic] 226.2 miles with only several stops of little more than a few minutes. His book, 'Ultra Marathon Man,' describes some of his accomplishments such as running 200 miles in a little over 46 hours. One of the first to run a marathon in Antarctica to the South Pole."

  3. the farthest i've run without stop is 17 miles...

  4. Probably a 5K I know I've run that. I've don't longer runs when I'm training, but I don't always run the whole thing or I stop sometimes so yeah, about a 5K

  5. 20 mls

    back in the persain war the messanger had to tell the ppl and run there without stopping he got there and died from running w/o break

  6. Pam Reed, an ultramarathoner, has run 300 miles without stopping.

  7. haha forrest gump like 50 states or whtevr

  8. 4 miles

  9. Actually Pam Reed did stop several times to use the bathroom, and get quick massages

  10. i was being chased by a gang in NYC.. i ran from Brooklyn to Queens.  i did stop to play Lotto though.....

  11. One time me and my friend were standing in front of a gate where a boxer (dog) was just growling, and we ignored him. all of a sudden, he hopped the fence and we hauled a*s about 5 blocks, until we looked back and he wasn't there anymore.

    boxer dog

    EDIT: the farthest i ever ran without stopping would have to be in track. i took track for 4 years.

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