
What is the fascination with Princess Diana?

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She was not a saint.She had emotional problems. Her therapy was do-godding. She had affairs while married. She also had a son by one of her lovers while still married to Charles. Wake up people. A good PR man can do wonders for someone's image.




  1. Because she seem to be a caring and loving individual of royalty, and we related to her because of her mess up life, such as some of us.  I saw her as a normal person trying to find her way, as well as love, and she couldn't because of all of the cameras in her face.  I think she was a beautiful women, that did not have a chance to enjoy life, and yes it saddens me, and she will continuously be miss.

  2. Who knows?

    Princess Diana, in my book, is in the same league as those skinny brats with no real talents or accomplishments that dominate today's pop culture scene.

  3. Are you jealous of her?

  4. She married at 19 into a cold hearted family and was dead by time she was 36 after they had finished with her.

    I don't know what makes an icon but look at the way JFK is held up on a pedestal and Elvis they are held in esteem  I cant see why.

    So I suppose everyone has some kind idol Diana just happens to be some peoples.

  5. Who's this princess she a person?

  6. celebrity innit

  7. Because the news media have nothing good to write but the useless royal. I totally agreed with your comment, there is no fascination with Princess Diana.

    She is just a normal girl who happen to married a wrong person for money and fame, later regreted it, but it's too late!!

  8. When someone like her outranks Mother Theresa, something is radically wrong with society  who seem to elevate Di to a kind of saint-like status -all you said about her was right on.

    I think because she shook up the "royal establishment" gave her  more attention than had she just "blended in"

    She constantly used and manipulated the news media and made no bones about it and then complained when they kept after her all the time. They'll dig up reports on her every date of her death if not more-enough already!

  9. No fascination at all.

  10. While she was alive she was idolized by people who thought of her as a modern day princess regardless of what her personal life was like.  She was killed in a way that seemed shady and I think a lot of people are still hung up on that fact.  I think it's comparable to the Marilyn Monroe story.

  11. She was a pop culture icon....and that fire will burn forever.

  12. No fascination, but she did drag the Royal Family kicking and screaming into the 20th (then) century.  She also showed the Royal family the way to be human and not treat the people they meet like lowlifes.  They still are rather arrogrant (Charles especially, not really the Queen) and Diana's lessons in humanity probably have been mostly forgotten by them, but she tried.

  13. The Royal family was disgraced by Diana for her to Dorice the future King of England and marry a commoner.

    get smart ...

  14. I am not fascinated....all these are created for cheap publicity & by business mentality.

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