
What is the fashion like in France?

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I am going to France next year and was wondering what sort of clothes to wear (when its cold) - i will be 14.

Pictures appreciated





  1. Come as you are!

  2. Think of whatever is trendy/fashionable at the moment then pare it down a couple of notches. You will be there in winter so have a coat/trench on hand. Wear comfy shoes!! but importantly you're 14 so have fun with what you're wearing. I agree with above comments regarding athletic running shoes, but that's not a good look anywhere really (I think sneakers are fine tho; keds, vans etc... ). happy travels...


  3. Dark colors, wear a purse like backpack because you'll be on the subway a lot. Get a little fold up umbrella to put in there because it rains a lot. Wear very good walking shoes because you will be walking a lot! I lived in Paris from 1999-2002. Bring your own little travel pack of kleenex always; the bathrooms rarely have tp and bring a lot of small change to pay the toilet ladies that take over the bathrooms and insist on a tip. No athletic sneakers ever unless you are actually working out, and no sweatpants, tops, or anything sloppy. Have a great time!

  4. Very fashionable. There are plenty of shops. Fashion goes with the beauty of the city. I love it! Just wear what you like, you don't have to go on a runway, do you? Have fun.

  5. simple stylish chic. nothing fussy, very understated. attention to detail, stylish hair, exquisite personal grooming. a slick of lip gloss and a swish of mascara. a bag across the body and an air of confidence. Ooh la la!


    It is a very popular french clothing brand. Take a look at what the models wear (especially the "city" line) and try to copy their style. White sneakers are a complete no-no, just as baggy t-shirts or sweatshirts.

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