
What is the fastest and easiest way to memorize like a script or sumthing?

by  |  earlier

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Well I have a script and it's not working out so well does anybody have any tipsz pleeease ??




  1. I asked this question to a friend of mine yesterday who can memorize scripts in an evening.  She has played a lot of main roles in theatre.  She said she gets the stage direction down and sort of links it to the line.  So any  gestures or where she is to stand or where she walks, sits, whatever.  She constantly links her body movement to her speech.  

  2. type up your script. it's what i do for all my pieces. it works way better than repeating it to yourself over and over again.

  3. tom she knows how to spell she's just typing in slang you idiot

    Salma don't mind him, what I do is repeat every couple words over and over again then when I get a whole sentence I repeat that sentence about 15 times and I keep doing that I think you should try it!

  4. It depends on your personality. Personally I read it over and over again and then I have it memorized. I also repeat it over and over. It is the repetition that makes it stick. Also you could tape yourself saying the lines and listen to it over and over then the lines might stick better.

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