
What is the fastest and most effective way to train a pokemon to level 100 in pokemon pearl?

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What is the fastest and most effective way to train a pokemon to level 100 in pokemon pearl?




  1. Keep battling

  2. try trading with people and get a boos of ex

  3. elite 4 and champion go here

  4. Give the Desired Pokemon an EXP.SHARE to hold, Then train him at the same time!!!

  5. go through elite four about 200 times

    u will eventually get it

    im working on bidoof :P lv 30 something

  6. If your training a low level pokemon put an exp. share on it  and go through the elite four with your highest level pokemon.  If your raising a high level pokemon then just go through the elite four with a ton of revives and potions  

  7. 1- get the pokemon you want to train to level 100 from another trainer. (a traded pokemon gains *boosted* experience points).

    2- Make that pokemon catch *pokerus*

    3- make that pokemon hold a *lucky egg*

    4- Use that pokemon to battle vs the elite four.

    *** If you have any questions about the words marked with an asterix or if you want to get any of those items (except for the lucky egg), just e-mail me and i'll explain and/or trade them to you.  

  8. battle the pokemon league or sumthing

    battle with ur friends

  9. Take a expshare give it to your weaker pokemon and repeatedly go through the elite four

  10. it depends

    if u just want it to say lvl 100, use rare candy, but will not be real strong

    to be strong jus t keep battling

  11. daycare up to 50 then training against elite4 usoin only 1 pokemon  

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