
What is the fastest and the cheapest way to get to USAG Stuttgart from Munich Airport in Germany?

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What is the fastest and the cheapest way to get to USAG Stuttgart from Munich Airport in Germany?




  1. The timetable is showing trains leaving at 0642, 0726, 0739, 0826, 0840, 0926 and so forth.  

    Cost is 39 to 46 euro, depending on the train.  

    Time varies from 2 hrs 16 min to 2 hrs 39 min, with nearly all less than 2.5 hrs.

    In general, fastest is never cheaper.  It might be a little faster to take a plane, but you have to check in a lot earlier and the plane is more expensive.  

    The flight time is 55-60 minutes from MUC to STR according to the Lufthansa site.  They are showing 189 euro as their best price (changing planes in Dusseldorf) with 237 euro as the best non-stop price.

    RyanAir does not fly to Munich.

  2. I don't know what USAG is-is it the base?

    I was there last summer.

    We also did the Stuttgart to Munich by train.

    Taking the fast train is quick, but can be pricey.

    You may also want to try cheap airlines like Ryan Air.

    Sometimes, they have amazing deals around Europe-I mean

    REALLY amazing deals!

    You can make it by train in approx. 2 hours on the fast train.


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