
What is the fastest animal on land????

by Guest63683  |  earlier

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first person to get this gets the points!!!!!!!!!




  1. Proportional to size - the Tiger Beetle.

    If a tiger beetle were the size of a human, it would run at 300mph/495kmph.

    It runs so fast that it's eyes cannot process it's surroundings, and it goes blind.

  2. Cockroach

    Whoever thumbed me down, the cockroach  is the fastest creature on land in relation to its size.

    If you consider top speed then yes the cheetah is fastest at 70mph.

  3. A cheetah in protective clothing inside one of these

    however, since that would be incredibly absurd - a cheetah NOT inside one of those. * begins to hear animal rights activists approach his house...*

  4. The Cheetah

  5. Cheetah.

  6. a kipper flat out.

  7. YOU ARE AN IDIOT - why ask a question and then change it to 'per ratio' which does not make sense anyway ?

    Before you moved the goalposts, Shifty had answered first and correctly with CHEETAH.

    You then advance to an even more moronic level and say 'I meant ALL animals'. So are we now to guess if you mean LAND animals at all ? If not why mention INSECTS ? ! In case you mean any creature on planet earth, there is nothing that moves faster from one place to another under its own physiology than a PEREGRINE FALCON at speeds that can exceed 200MPH.

    Lesson learnt ? Think what you are typing next time......

  8. The monkey that was sent to the moon! 'but thats not earth'. . Id say a badger on a bike!!

  9. Could it be an ant?

  10. Me running to the pub after work on a Friday.

  11. cheetah

  12. perigigene falcon.....excess of 200 mph in a dive!!!

  13. cheetah!! :)

  14. cheetah. A flea is not an animal.

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