
What is the fastest best cheapest teeth whitener? ?

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I'm getting married in a month and a half and my dentist friend was supposed to bleach my teeth for free but got into a car accident and is in the hospital until after my wedding so isn't able to do I was wondering what is the fastest, best and cheapest teeth whitener on the market? And will they be white in a month and a half? Is it worth even trying or is it too late to start? Thanks for your time and help!




  1. im sorry for what happen.

    i think u should buy crest white strips

    there 20.00 and they work really good

    u only have to wear them 1 hour a

    day and for only 14 days wicth is 2 weeks

    and yes they work! so yeah (: buy them

  2. Crest White Strips really do work, but I recommend something even cheaper, and it won't make your teeth really sensitive or wear down enamel!

    Baking soda!  I'm serious.  I have braces, and it is SO difficult to keep my teeth white.  I just started using baking soda, and it works great.  It is also really good for bad breath.

    What I do:

      -Floss teeth

      -Brush teeth with normal toothpaste (you could even get a whitening toothpaste if you want better results)

      -"Swish" your mouth out with water (or Listerine, if you like)

      -Dip your wet toothbrush in the baking soda, and just keep your front teeth together and brush them really well.  For some reason, the baking soda is kind of drool-inducing and messy. lol

      -You can even make a paste with it by adding a little water to just let sit on your teeth for a while.

    It works very quickly, especially if you do it once or twice a day.

    Good luck!

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