
What is the fastest easiest and safest way to double your money legally?

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What is the fastest easiest and safest way to double your money legally?




  1. Casino! or stock market

    if u put ur money in stock market remember to diversify in order to reduce ur risks like mutual funds are great for this

  2. There is no safe way (no punn intended) to double your money with no risk.

  3. The fastest, safest, and easiest way to double your money, as endorsed by Warren Buffett and others:

    The next time you're going to buy something that isn't an essential requirement to keep yourself alive, take your money, fold it over, and put it back in your pocket.

    There are a lot of expenses in life, and most of them can be avoided with a little bit of discomfort or extra effort, or sacrifice. Minimizing your expenditures is a lot faster and easier, with zero risk.

    As for investments, there is no easy route, otherwise everyone would do it. I trust that by "safest", you mean financially secure. If an investment is secure, by definition, it will probably be slow to grow, so doubling your money would take a long time, even with compound interest.

    The middle ground from an investment standpoint is in mutual funds. They are diversified for protection, tend to do very well on rate of returns, and very easy to buy in and sit there.

    The fastest way to double your money would almost definitely be stocks, but that's the fastest way to halve it as well.

  4. There is no fast way that is also easy and safe.  Rank these on a scale of 1-10 and someone might have some realistic options for you.

  5. Go to the local Casino....... a gal at work went with $50 and came back home with $2,800 this past weekend.

  6. There is no fastest and safest way to double money legally.

  7. "Safe" is a loaded word in this context.  You really need to give us your definition before you ask for our answers.

    That said, options.

    Best bet, and it is a bet, would be short term index options banking on a greater than 5% move.

  8. Real Estate. 15 yrs. ago I quad tripled my money on a 6 acre. package of raw ground in the country, I had to look for awhile to find it, then I had to develop and build a home on it, you have to be smart tho, research what you buy, buy in the right location, such as, not by a main road or free way, not by the RR tracks, etc., some foreclosure properties are good investments, if the home is sound and in a good location, etc. etc., it can be a lot of fun too if you get lucky! Good luck.

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