
What is the fastest stock 450 atv?

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Honda? Yamaha? Suzuki? Kawasaki? Polaris? KTM? Can-Am?




  1.  wow!! i think u need to find another hobby. the question was what is the fastest 450 stock. i,m pretty sure its ktm, i myself. own a yamaha yfz450r, its pretty potent, but ive heard the ktm is faster. ive raced stock for stock honda trx450r and a ltr 450. and beat them both. so i scrub those out. ktm are one of those that you dont see around much, primarely cause you pay huge glue for ktm. so if you wana be like this guy here and spend huge dollars on upgrades on a 450 go ahead, youll just find your self in debt for a 450 with a wack full of parts, and still only worth what you paid. i only have a pipe, jetted and lid off now, and these are the only mods i will do. i drive trails not track, so realiablity is important.

  2. ive rodden every single 450 and timmed them on a 1/8 mile strip. over all the fastest one is the can-am ds 450 or the ds 450X

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