
What is the fastest way by train to get from west coast to east coast?

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What is the fastest way by train to get from west coast to east coast?




  1. Helensburgh to Glasgow Queen St Low Level <climb stairs or use lift> then Glasgow Queen St to Edinburgh Waverley <then> Lothian Bus to Ocean Terminal Shops.  Actually you can save about ten minutes by starting from my home village of Cardross as this is where the Firth of Clyde starts, and thus is coastal rather than just a river bank. Should be around 90 minutes.

  2. If you're talking about the East /West coast of the US then you want to check in with Amtrak. It is the only train that crosses the US. But it is not fast. Comfortable but not fast.

  3. LA to NY? Go to the Amtrax station and buy a ticket.

  4. Go down to Mexico where the distance is shorter otherwise go from California to Texas.

  5. Of where?

  6. hobo

  7. amtrack

  8. Amtrak, Oakland Ca. to Chicago, connect to east coast destination.

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