
What is the fastest way to brake your leg?

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I want to try to brake my leg before school starts.Tell me please.




  1. Have one of your dolt friends run over your leg with a car. That is sure to "brake" your leg.

  2. how old are you? school isn't that bad, and if you really wanted to get out of going to school i think that you would figure out how to get out of it urself, instead of asking people for advice on how to break ur leg. i think ur just looking for attention.

  3. I don't think it's possible to "brake" your leg.  But good luck in finding out how if it is possible!

  4. Why do you want to break your leg? It hurts an.d you still have to go to school. Are you doing it for the attention. The only way you break your leg is on accident

  5. So you don't have to go?  After you get your cast on you will still have to go.  OR is it to get attention?  OI!  You need help either way darlin.  

  6. Get one of your pals to take a whack at it with a sledgehammer.  It will be quite painful and possibly leave you with a hitch in your getalonq.

  7. There are better ways of getting out of things.  Don't brake your legs please

  8. Yea you don't really need school anyways..  

  9. hahaha okay :P

    run really fast then jump on the side of your foot. that did it for meh..but i didn't do it purposely.  

  10. dont tuck and dont roll

  11. ok first off....dont do it...why because its painful and wont be able to walk not to mention LOTS of physical therapy, which is hard work and hurts like no other. And also not to mention that you wont have full mobility in your leg like you did before you broke it, trust me!  

  12. Do you need to see some counselors or something?

    Please make the world a better place and don't attempt suicide.

    Unless you don't recycle and you pulute cuz then we'll just die anyway

    heh heh heh

  13. You can't brake your leg.  You break your leg.  Go to school.

  14. You have some issues get some help.

  15. QB For the Eagles.

  16. dig a bunch of holes, or go to a place with a lot of holes (make sure that there are no nails?) and blind fold your self and start running. my friend broke his leg, arm, neck, and fingers doin this. its a great way to miss school.

  17. um... are you like... okay??

    you know your going to cause yourself alot of long term damage, like athritis in the future and c**p. my grandma had broken her finger when she was young and now she has to keep having operations on it because of the pain.

    thnk bout the future  


  19. I know breaking your leg is so fashionable these days have you seen the new designer casts they are hot

  20. WHAT? The pain will so bad you would have wish the school had came to you!  When you graduate and leave home for awhile, believe me you wish you could go to school and never leave!

  21. Ouch, dont do that. There is PAIN INVOLVED in breaking a leg.

    There is LESS PAIN in going to school.

    Besides, you will probably also learn to distinguish between breaking and braking.

    Break a vase (something is breakable like bones or porcelain )

    Brake the car( use mechanical stopping ability involving rubber pads)

    If you desperately want a reason to not go to school, get stomach flu instead. or mild food poisoning. You can also join the army. That will teach you how good a life you had.

  22. you break you leg your in the hospital overnite (unless you broke more than your leg while attempting to just break the leg alone) then you have to go to school for the first couple months wearing a cast and hoping around on crutches. will it still be worth it?

  23. wow, brake your leg before school, now thats a first, but it wont keep you out of school, maybe for a few days but not for long and you will have to go threw school not being able to do anything physical.  well if you do just brake three toes like me, its the same thing as breaking your leg, just les s painful.  just get on top of your chair (make sure the chair is close to a wall) and then fall on to a soft part (a pillow) an while you go down hold your foot out, and kick as hard as you can before hitting the floor.)


  24. Just go to school and avoid all of that LIFELONG pain.

  25. Are you nervous?  Do you just hate school?  Maybe you should go job shadow a doctor and check out the pain a broken leg is.  Walk into a hospital Emergency Department.  Do you hear that screaming?  That might be someone getting their leg set back.

  26. i dont know why you would want to but put you leg on a chair and have some body swing a bat at it real hard til it brakes  

  27. tell your friend to hit it with a sledgehammer or just a regular hammer. i wouldnt recommend doing it will hurt like ****. and your gonna have to get a cast that youll have to keep on for months(depending on the break) and you cant get it wet or wash it so it will smell. but have fun anyway.

  28. Don't be daft. You might think staying off school is funny, but do you want nice things in your life? Your mummy and daddy wont always be there to pay,clean,wash,look after you. School prepares you for the real world and if you get good grades, consequently you will have a better life. Stop being childish and realise it's only a few years of your life you're having to go to school, it'll be over before you know it and you'll wish you were back there.

  29. WHAT? you dont have to break you leg you are already sick

  30. What are you insane? Why on earth would you want to do that? You could damage your leg forever. It might not heal right and you could walk funny forever.  You could get an infection or gain green and have to get it amputated. You need to rethink this.

  31. come over to my house and bring along an aluminum baseball bat, I'll show you how.

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