
What is the fastest way to connect to the internet? As in USB, Ethernet cable, wireless etc?

by  |  earlier

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The reason I would like to know is that I have a laptop, desktop computer and XBOX 360. Currently I have my XBOX connected via the Ethernet cable. It used to be connected via USB and my desktop computer used to be connected via Ethernet but I swapped them around because I assumed that Ethernet is faster and I want the fastest connection for my 360. My laptop is connected wireless to the router.

Also, is there a way I can change WHO/WHAT gets the most out of my router? As in, there is another laptop downstairs that connects to my router via wireless but can I choose to give the majority of the connection/bandwidth to a certain connector such as MY laptop or my 360, not their laptop?




  1. First of all it doesn't matter HOW you are connected, what matters is what kind of connection you have... Hi-Speed, Dial-up, Broadband etc....

    Secondly no there is not really a way to change the band-with... The closer you are to the router the better the signal and if you are further away it may take longer to load that's pretty much how it goes...

    Hope This Helps!

  2. Ethernet then USB, then wireless. Corded connections are faster but have no "freedom" to move around the house. The above is Fastest-slowest. Also here's how you can set who gets how much.

    Reset the Maximum speed for the devices to what you want. Orbit Downloader can do that in it's settings menu. Example:

    Total speed: 150KBPS

    Set Laptop to:15KBPS

    Set Desktop to: 35KBPS

    Xbox Gets the remaining:100KBPS

    Get it? E-mail me for further help.

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