
What is the fastest way to get from Buenos Aires to Punta del Este and how do I book tickets?

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What is the fastest way to get from Buenos Aires to Punta del Este and how do I book tickets?




  1. The fastest way is to fly, you can look for a flight on Aerolineas Argentinas web site:

    Most people travel to punta del este via the high speed ferry and bus combination. The Ferry takes you across the river to Montevideo, then you transfer to a bus for about an hour trip to Punta del Este. You buy one ticket for the entire trip, it's really easy, and cheaper than flying. Also, it won't take too much longer considering you have to be at the airport 2 hours before your flight and on the other end you'll spend almost an hour collecting bags and finding transportation.

    Here is the web site for the high speed ferry/bus service:

    Oh, it's impossible to drive from Buenos Aires to anywhere in Uruguay. The one and only bridge over the river is blocked by protesters. You would have to drive hundreds of miles north to make it across.

  2. First of all, I am presuming that you mean Punta Del Este in Uruguay, which is about 83 miles from Montevideo and 221 miles from Buenos Aires.  The fastest way is to fly from Buenos Aires to Punta del Este.  There are daily flights and takes about 45 minutes.  

    There is no ferry between Buenos Aires and ¨Punta del Este, but you can ferry over to Montevideo and then take a bus from to Punta del Este from there.  If you are planning to drive, what is your starting point in Buenos Aires...Darsena Norte, Pilote, Puerto Comercial, Puerto Deportivo Buceo, Mar del Plata, Colonia?  You would need different instructions depending on your starting point.

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