
What is the fastest way to get sculpted abs without having to buy like the extension bands etc.?

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i would like the best excersises, eating plans all of that stuff




  1. Pilate's DVDS

  2. OK.

    I think that the best way to get sweet abs are by the good old crunches.

    Sometimes if you lift up one leg and rotate off  then you will also get a good work out.  Sometimes after you do your crunches then you could sit in push up position, but on your elbows. ( Go into a position like your about to do a push up but instead of going down on your hands go down on your elbows and hold it for as long as you can. Its a good abs workout.

  3. Candace, whats up baby?

  4. Alright so first of all their is no 'fast' way or 'magic' way to get sculpted abs. You need to exercise every day for at least half an hour! EVERY DAY! Don't be disappointed if you don't see results for a while, it takes time.


    Crunches, russian twists with a med ball or heavy will find the most by typing in 'core exercises' to google and seeing the results.


    Eat healthy. We have been taught to eat healthy since like third grade. Balanced diet (and not a diet where you deprive yourself of anything. Not eating does not help you lose weight or sculpt abs). That does not mean you can never eat ice cream again, just eat it every once in a while. Fruits, veggies. You should eat small meals five times a day to get your energy up and after you get done exercising drink a BIG glass of chocolate milk for protein!

  5. Do bicycles. You lay on your back, knees bent parallel to the ground. Hold your hands behind your head, and touch your right elbow to your left knee and left elbow to your right knee, using your abs to bring your knees in towards your elbows. 2 sets of 20 once a day at least 3 times a week and you're golden. Also, for your eating plan, go to and fill out "MyPyramid Plan".

  6. The fastest way is to do two things: Control/cut down the portion or amount of food that you eat every day at every meal and do sit ups. You can watch television shows that are on that have a trainer showing you how to do the exercises for free. Watch Gilad's Body (?) or find another fitness show on tv.

  7. just by those stretchy band things, they are cheap and work well, heck im 15 and i bought real easly at walmart, if ur embarased for some reason, ask someone to buy them for u i asked my mom to, they were like 10 bucks or somthing and they really work

  8. the bicycle crunch works wonders! And with the diet just use moderation

  9. When I was a Senior in High School, I had a weights class and I was also a teacher's aid in another weights class.  I had a lot of time to lift the right way, for a grade.  One of the things that I would do is the Legendary Abs workout.  This thing will cut your abs up something fierce.  Give it a shot.  

  10. Tradtionally crunches are the best for toning up abs, well.. in my opinion. I prefer to do my crunches on a stability ball. Mines a 65 cm one... they're cheap too. I got mine at walmart for like ten bucks.

      Also, I dont know what your fitness level is, but you can't have a six pack through any pudge really (I hope that didn't sound mean.. I know I dont have a six pack..) So it's really important to do cardio as well.

    Also raw fruits and vegetables are really good for helping lose weight.

      oh, and as far as the cardio goes- I deffinately notice a difference in my abs just from walking around.

      I walk about eight miles a day (which is more than somepeople would like to do) but it deffinately tones up my abs.

    I also looooveee pilates.

  11. The best exercises to get sculpted abs are all about the stomach moving like lying on your back with say a football held by your feet between your 2 feet raised of the ground and another football held in you hands then twisting as far round as you can to each side and holding the position for 10 seconds or so.

    Hope this helps worked quite well for a friend of mine.



    there are also loads on YouTube

  13. 10 situps

    10 V-ups (Touch your hands to your toes, but crunch your body so that they meet midway in the air)

    10 lemon squeezers (Position yourself sitting up, put hands at side, and move your torso back into a laying position while extending your legs straight ahead. Now just row your legs to a bend while crunching toward them w/ your torso, then go back to laying position. repeat process)

    10 back hypers (lay on stomach, basically a reverse cruncher)

    10 Leg lifts (Lay on back, lift straight legs to 45 degree angle, then bring back to ground)

    30 seconds of bicycles (Lay on ground, and mimick a bicycle pedal motion w/ your legs)

    10 side crunchers each side

    10 regular crunchers

    30 seconds of flutter kicks (Lay on back, keep both legs straight. Lift them up bairly, now alternate between raising each leg a little bit and brining it back down. This one is tought at first, but after a week it will be easy. Try to think of being a swimmer while doing this one)

    10 kick ups (Lay down, bring knees up toward chest, then kick legs upward to become straight in the air.)

    10 side double leg lifts (Hard to explain, basically lay on side, and lift both legs simultaneously as high as you can. Will feel weird at first)

    10 Forward Rows (Way too hard to explain, google it)

    10 Russian Twists (Google it)

    10 Scissor Kicks (Lay on back, spread leags apart in air, bring them back to center with one leg above the other, then alternate to mimick a scissor kicking action)

    Finish with a bridge for however long you think you can do it.

    Once this routine becomes easy, don't up the reps, just do the whole routine twice. (Left a few out for explanation's sake)

    Then also do your run at night. Cut excessive fat out of your diet, but you can have a little still.

    Do it and you will have some abs.

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