
What is the fastest way to lose 5 punds in 15 days?

by  |  earlier

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i need help i really need to lose weight i dont care if it unhealthy or not i just want to lose weight and if u answer my question i would like to know if i would look different tooo? the best answers get 10 points




  1. First of all I know first hand on how to lose more than five pounds in fifteen days I did it . Just last month I lost 17 lbs and I am on a roll I bought an exercise bike and I use it only fifteen minutes day and I drink more than a gallon of water a day The key is the water . water cleanses your body and washes all of the fatty stuff out. eat alot of salads and oatmeal. oatmeal absorbs your fat also . I am so serious I also have tried everything and nothing ever work and then i talked to some one who did this diet and she was once 300lbs and now she is 156lbs and she looks fabulous please believe me and try this  GREAT LUCK

  2. Have you ever heard of the grapefruit diet? Its online. It works great! I have done it a couple of times before. You lose 10lbs in 10 days. You dont notice any weight loss the first couple of day but like after 5 days you will see it. you lose like 5lbs the first five days. Plus you eat as much as you want of the food they say you can have. I ate grilled chicken salads mostly. But its the grapefruit juice that really does it I think. It really fills you up fast with like 1/2 a glass if you drink it before you eat. It doesnt really taste that bad either.

  3. The first 5 pounds you lose is always water weight. Really won't make a difference.

    Unfortunately, it took time to gain weight, it will take time to lose weight.

    Even today's quick fixes don't work. Just look at all the surgerys done to people who've since gained it all back...

    If you are serious about losing weight the fastest and best way to do it would be to start walking 3 miles a day, eat breakfast, eat a healthy lunch with a salad, and eat a small dinner with no dessert and nothing after 8pm. You body will look different, feel better and shed pounds quickly.

    Also, don't go by the scale, you will burn fat and build muscle so the scale won't change but your body for sure will.

    5 pounds in 15 days will make you look no different.

    Good luck, Keep Smiling...

  4. Only drink water and eat lemons. You will lose weight.

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