
What is the fastest way to lose a lot of weight WITHOUT exercise?

by  |  earlier

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I am under doctor's orders to not exercise because of a vertebral injury, and, as a result, I've gained a lot of weight! Is there a diet that I can do to lose at least 25 pounds QUICKLY... like, 3-4 weeks? PLEASE don't tell me about pills, drugs, cutting my legs off, etc.




  1. Crack. HA!

    But really, losing alot of weight fast is seriously unhealthy, especially bad for your heart.

    Drink enough watr and you'll at least flush out your system.  

  2. Get more information on dieting and weight loss tips at my profile.

  3. lots of raw and fibrous foods (healthy and system cleansing).  and then some deep breathing exercises and meditation to ease the previously mentioned foods in coming will have more...roughage.  i'm not a doctor and i don't know how restricted you are.  so take it with a grain of salt.  i don't know if you could do light yoga or walking (it doesn't have to be vigorous).  anything that is going to help your circulation is going to help your weight (calories burned) and help move the food through.  as far as the QUICKLY...i don't know if you would want to put your heart through losing weight that fast.  good lucky.

  4. Only way to lose weight without exercise is not eating, or eating less.

    Although your doctor said not to exercise, there has to be some type of cardio workout you can do without injuring it further, i would question your doctor on that.

  5. Cut out ALL carbs... aka Adkins!

  6. Well, there really isn't anything you can do beside starve yourself, or fruit fast.

    Some type of exercise is usually the key to helping somebody lose weight.

  7. Obviously your only option is dieting, so you'll have to diet hard.

    We all know what to do, it's doing it that the issue. Everyone knows cheeseburgers, chocolate, wine etc - is not cool for dieting but salads are, the issue is doing it.

    Forget any magic answers, dieting is your only option. Choose all the good choices; salads, lean chicken, vegetables etc - with tons of water. It all comes down to willpower.

    The quickest way is generally drastically reducing carbs. Say like egg whites for breakfast, chicken/fish with salads/veg for dinner and lunch. It's hard to do but if you stick with it, you'll drop your 25lbs in a fairly quick time, although not sure about 3/4 weeks - that probably cannot be done tbh.

    Best of luck :-)

  8. well...u may nt exercise but if possible u can take some light walking for 15 mts a day + cut out fatty food and switch to wheat that u have an injury u need to eat proper food for energy and faster healing.don't be so obssessed to lose weight too quick.

  9. your diet has to be near perfect.  this means following a diet that's about 75% or more whole foods and cooking most meals from scratch.  you need to consume 3 meals with snacks in between.  it's tough to really give a lot of details with out knowing the physical condition that you are in and the amount of body fat that you have.  there are many factors that need to be included when designing a proper diet for fat loss.  there's so much more to fat loss than cals in vs. cals out.

  10. eat half servings instead of whole servings.


  11. without exercise it's gonna take a little longer to lose the weight. not even if were exercising would you lose 25 lbs in 3-4 weeks. the most amount of weight you should lose is 2 lbs a week. just try to eat less, but not going below 1200 calories a day cause that will slow your metabolism making it harder to lose weight. eat complex carbs, lean meat, low-fat/non-fat dairy, and mono- and poly- unsaturated fats. avoid trans fats and saturated fats too.  

  12. here’s the 2 simple steps to lose weight without exercise…

    Step 1:

    Figure out your daily calorie maintenance level. This is the number of calories your body needs to burn each day to do, ya know, things. For example, living and standing. Getting this number (or a close enough estimate) is quite easy. To do this, use the quick and easy calorie maintenance level calculator about 6 paragraphs from the top of the weight loss diet plan page. That should give you the close enough estimate.

    Since it’s impossible to know for sure if that estimate will be close enough for everyone, a second option for figuring out your calorie maintenance level is described directly below the calculator. You’re welcome to use both methods if you want.

    Step 2:

    Once you know your calorie maintenance level, it’s time for some very basic subtraction. If you failed second grade math, now would be the time to go get a calculator. There are about 3500 calories in 1 pound. So, if you were to eat 3500 calories less than your body needs each week, you would end up losing 1 pound per week. Since there are 7 days in a week, this comes out to be 500 less calories than your maintenance level each day. (3500calories ÷ 7days = 500calories less per day)

  13. Can you do arm exercises? If so do that and avoid junk food, eat a lot of vegetables and fish, steam them and fruits and low cal snacks. limit your food intake to 1200 since you cant do any activity.

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