
What is the fastest you have been in a car or on a motorcycle.?

by  |  earlier

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Was it at night or daytime? How far did you go?




  1. 145mph... let's just say I was very glad when the car stopped. :)

  2. 119 in a car, actually i think we were doing over that, but that's what the state trooper gave me a ticket for, young and stupid, but that was alot of years ago

    115 on a bike

  3. Motorcycle..... about 120 mph.. early morning highway...

      Not too fast but a ticket would have really wiped out

      the momentary thrill...

      Never need to test my luck again... ( I was young ...ger )

  4. I think 80 miles per hour was the fastest I've ever been going in a car. Although in Montana and in a few other states, you can go as fast as you want. In other words, no speed limits!! Sweet, huh?

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